Automatically Sign Commits Using GPG Suite on macOS

To make my commits marked as “verified” on GitHub, I tried to sign them locally using GPG. It worked fine using the following command line command:

> git commit -S -m your commit message

But when I tried to sign commits within JetBrains IDEs, like Clion, things did not work out so easily. JetBrains IDEs do not provide native supports/integrations for GPG. So I need to make use of GPG Suite to sign commits automatically without being prompted for password from the terminal. This post records how to do so.

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Build My Own Nest

Every ostrich needs a nest. So do I.

There are many posts that illustrate how to create a Hexo-driven blog hosted on Github. However, when it comes to personal VPS, such step-to-step tutorial vanishes. Since I need to use shadowsocks to access the outside world beyond the wall, I happen to own a VPS provided by Bandwagon. So I do not need to(also not willing to) use Github to store the static webpages. As a result, this website is deployed on my personal VPS(Ubuntu 16.04). And here are some of the crucial procedures I have taken to build this website(my own nest):

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